Thursday, March 06, 2008

bos takder keje dah setel perut dah kenyang tak tau nak watper dah jawab jer la tag ni lagipun aku tengah tak tau nak menulis apa kat blog neh

1. The song you've been most singing to yourself recently?
aaarigatooo sayonaaaraaaa konichiwaaaaaaaaa lalalalala

2. What do you currently want right now?
a lot, in fact

3. What did you do today?
did my routine work (busan, busannn), breakfast and now, here i am

5. What have you been thinking about most today?
my mum's condition

6. Do you ever just sit outside and watch the stars?
yep, the moon, the full moon especially

7. What is your current annoyance?

8. Do you want a new cell phone?
kalau ada orang bagi free, nakkkkkkkk ajerrrr

9. Are you waiting for someone right now?

10. Name two things you're looking forward for next week?

11. Can you make new friends easily?
no problem at all

12. Do you plan out what you wear the day before you wear it?
depends on my mood

13. What is life to you?
hidup jangan menyusahkan orang

14. Have you ever fallen for your best friend?
never. not so far. alhamdulillah.

15. If you had a chance to save someone significant to you, would you?

16. How many times do you eat each day?
two times + tidbits in between

17. How do you cheer someone up?
buat lawak tak bijak

19. Is it easier for you to fall asleep or to be woken?
senang sehhh

20. Think of one person, stick with it. You don't have to say their name. Would you pick them up alone 100 plus miles away if it was your birthday?
yes but not alone (mesti ada co-pilot in case i dont know where the location is erkkkk)

21. Give two reasons why you get distracted in work.
phone calls & someone standing beside me while i'm doing my work

22. Do you think it's funny when people get hurt?

23. Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?
huk alohhh tak best la soalan ni

24. Do you have a guitar in your house?

takder. naper tanya? nak bagi? bole jerrrr

25. Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
beach beach beach or shop shop shop til i drop

26. How often do you get onto friendster?
setahun dua kali

27. How long can you go without your mobile phone?
8am - 5pm (hp lupa kat umah)

28. Where's your mobile phone?
both on my working table


Anonymous said...


eh ko perasan x no 4 xde??

doff said...

xder eh? bior jer lerr. maleh ako nk edit lagik ehekk :D